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Midlife - 'Chorus' Review

Zachary Kynaston

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

Midlife start out strong, but can't maintain the momentum, on their third LP.

On paper, there's a lot to dig about the newest record by Australian band Midlife. A group of talented and multidimensional musicians, making a funky, yacht rock esque fusion of jazz and psychedelic. At its base level, it's a satisfying blend, and paired with adept performances and some crisp production, first impressions are pretty high. The first track, 'Forever,' opens with a TASTY bass line, a fun use of hand drums, and a great ramp up to a toe tapping easy listen.

However, as the record progresses, a few flaws come bubbling up to the surface. Typically, the tracks are all in the 5-7 minute(ish) range, with some being as short as 3 1/2 minutes and one being nearly ten. That being said, I can't help but come away with a feeling that if things were tightened up and shortened just a little bit, it might have helped the flow and listenability of the record overall. For the most part, the tracks don't offer a lot of interesting movements or dynamics to keep the listening experience exciting throughout.

It's not hard to listen to by any means, and I don't regret my time with it. Some tracks feature some more variation than others, and they tend to be the high points on the record. The closer, 'Return to Centaurus' stands as the most varied and unique track on the LP, and finishes things off in a strong way. It's got a certain 'Pink Floyd' energy to it in a way; it's long but focused, and it never stays with one theme too long. It features some layered synth, vocoded vocals, and lots of head bopping grooves.

Overall, 'Chorus' by Midlife is a record I really wanted to love, and while it may have missed that mark, it's not entirely devoid of substance. If you are looking to get some housework done, have guests over, or just need something groovy to put on in the background, this is the record for you. But if you were looking for something with a little more depth, this might not be the top choice. I'm glad I gave it a few spins, even if it's not a record I'll always reach for in the future.

Standout tracks: Forever, Yourself, Return to Centaurus




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